Sunday, June 30, 2013

Castles and Hills

Vinegar Hill

During the Irish Rebellion of 1798, a major turning point was the battle that happened on Vinegar Hill in Enniscorthy. Around 20,000 Irish men armed only with pikes and spears awaited an English army of 20,000 armed with artillery. To make matters worse, women and children were part of the 20,000 Irish people who were up on the hill staying there for protection against the attacking army. As the British troops surrounded the hill and began attacking, the Irish rebels began to slowly retreat through a gap known now as “Needham’s Gap.” Many of the Irish people escaped but many more were slaughtered on the spot.Today the ruin of an old windmill is the only thing on top of the hill. It is a short walk to get to the top of the hill and once you’re up there the view is exceptional. As you look down over the town you can see big open fields, churches with their steeple poking out above all the houses, and a graveyard. The grass alongside the hill flows with the wind and the giant pile of boulders on the hill allows you to go higher to see even farther. I loved the reenactment our guide did trying to explain what happened on the hill but I didn’t really understand everything till I went back and read more about it. This beautiful hillside is a sad story in history.
"Life springs from death; and from the graves of patriot men and women spring living nations”
-Patrick Pearse

 Johnstown Castle

Johnstown Castle was originally built by the Esmonde family in the 1100s. Unfortunately for them, they were expelled in the mid 1600s and the Grogan family acquired Johnstown Castle by marriage in 1682. John Grogan and his son Knox Grogan developed the castle, grounds, lakes, and estate as it looks today.  It amazes me that something built so long ago is still here and looks beautiful. I would have loved to walk through the castle but unfortunately it is closed to the public, although you can pay a pretty penny if you wish to get married here. The castle is old and medieval looking but also has a romantic feel to it. I imagine the weddings here are breathtakingly beautiful. The castle alone is amazing but the lakes and grounds around it make it even more stunning. Back in the day it must have been lovely to stroll through the gardens around the castle that you call home.

 Romeo and Juliet's Tower

On the grounds of the Johnstown Castle there is a tower structure. It looks out over the lake and to the locals it is referred to as Romeo and Juliet’s Tower at the lake. It is made out of stone like the castle and it makes for a great spot for pictures. I don’t know the purpose it had back in the day but the weathered stone, traditional archway and windows, and being on the water gives it a great romantic look. The architecture and design around the top makes it look like it belongs with the castle and the greenery now growing from it adds to the worn and weathered look. I’m sure the couples getting married at Johnstown Castle can take some pretty amazing pictures in and around the tower.



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