Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Cill Chainnigh

Saint Canice’s Cathedral and Round Tower
St. Canice’s Cathedral is located in the town of Kilkenny. It stands on a site where Christian worship has taken place since the 6th century. The Irish version of Cill Chainnigh translates into “Church of Cainneach” or “Canice.” The first church on this site was made of wood, only to be replaced later during the medieval period with a romanesque-style stone church. Today’s current cathedral was built using an English Gothic style of architecture. The round tower beside the cathedral is 100ft high and may have once been used as a watchtower and a refuge. The only way to the top is by a steep set of internal ladders. The space inside is tight and narrow and the top has limited space so only 14 people at a time are allowed up. A clear view of Kilkenny and surrounding countryside can be seen from the top. Its almost like climbing to the top of a very narrow and very high tree house. 

One of the art pieces in the museum we went to is called, “Invitation to Love.” The artist’s name is Magnhild Opdol. This specific artwork of hers consists of 299 pink cardboard donut boxes stacked in the middle of the room. As I looked at the boxes, many things popped in my head, but it represents how much people consume all the time without knowing how much trash they produce. One of the struggles is keeping people viewing it from touching it. One of the donut boxes had the flap untucked because someone had opened the box looking inside. I found this piece interesting and simple. I liked the color of all the boxes though.

Part of artist Magnhild Opdol’s artwork is a small baby deer. The title is called “Fawn.” It is a small bronze replica of the Disney character Bambi. Opdol has a facination for deer and this tiny Bambi is placed looking at a picture of a group of deer. It represents the fact that the little bronze deer is longing to be with the deer in the picture, but there is no way for him to get there. This was my favorite piece because I just found the little guy adorable. He literally is a mold of a Bambi happy meal toy coated in bronze. Its funny how coating a child’s toy can make something look classy and sophisticated. The shining bronze Bambi is in a room full of pictures of other deer, but I was drawn immediately to the little fawn.

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